Keep track of all your payments with easy Stripe, PayPal or any other payment provider integrations.
Integrate trckrspace into your Stripe (or similar) webhook and endpoints so you can view your new sales, refunds and cancellations in real-time.
It's as easy as making one endpoint call with all the data you want to view in trckrspace!
Add a "category" to later filter the data in your custom dashboards.
Start building dashboard components, so you can view a real-time aggregation of all your billing data.
You can further filter your data on any of key-values added in your event.
You can calculate aggregations (min, max, average and more) by using the functions provided and aggregate over different periods to see how your API performance changes over time.
This flexibility allows you to build any dashboard you need no matter the shape or size of the data.
Add as many components as you like then sit back and enjoy.